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New York Minute - Can He Talk?
After Jane and Roxy escape from their limo ride, they run away from Benny (the driver). Then there is a scene when Benny find them. When Roxy fighs with him, Benny takes a broom from the janitor by the subway. The janitor says "Hey Buster!" Then when Roxy makes the broom slip out of his hand and go back to the janitor, the janitor jumps back and says
"Thanks!" There are 2 mistakes.
1. The Janitor never moves his mouth. I watched this scene so many times. His mouth doesnt move.
2. When he says "Hey, Buster!", that is taken from that show Arthur. Its one of Arthurs friends saying hello to Buster.
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Rated 4.5/10 (2 ratings) Your opinion?
Special Requirements: eyes, ears.
Contributed By: Anonymous on 03-27-2005 and Reviewed By: Shadow, Perky Pippin
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