Well it isn't that important or noticeable, but when Duey and Gail are in the university and the killer is after them, after Gail watched Duey be stabbed and she runs into Cotton, Cotton says,
"I found Duey and tried to heal him." But, at no time had Cotton ever met Duey; he had only read about him in Gail's book.
has it ever occured to you that prisons have tv's? at the end of scream gail is filming her report and the police are bringing all of the dead and hurt people out of the building. mabey he saw Deuy on the tv.
not to mention, they were all from the same town. Dewey was also a police officer, I am sure they ran across each other once or twice. Cotton was put in jail only a year before the movie started. Dewey said he was 25. He could have been on the force for longer than a year.
I might be wrong but wasn't Cotton going out wih Sidneys mum?
If he was then he would obviously know Dewy cause he is the brother of Sidney's bestfriend.
Earlier on in the film, after Cotton verbally attacks Sid in the Library, Cotton is taken to the police station, after being questioned he hands Sid his card, who is also there, and she is sitting with Duey, so they clearly have met.
Cotton did have an AFFAIR with Sid's mom, but it was hush-hush. Even Sid didn't know, so why would Cotton get introduced to Sid's best friend, and yet alone her brother?? He did meet him at the police station, I'm assuming, when he was brought in for Questioning...