Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope - Poor Special Effects
When Han encounters Jabba in the hangar he steps up and over Jabba's tail. At this point his face turns blurry and pix-elated and his back floats floats over Jabba's tail!! Why did they ruin this movie?
This is in the "Special Edition" release. (Of course they should have called it the "I-Need-Money-To-Start-Working-On-The-Next-Trilogy Edition".)
I heard, when this edition came out, that when the scene was filmed, Jabba was not yet conceptualized to the form with which we are all familiar. So Han didn't have a tail over which to step.
Agreed, it looks quite awkward.
Also notice how small Jabba is in Episode 4 compared to his mammoth dimensions in Episode 6. This scene with Han walking over Jabba's tail is really funky.