Raiders of the Lost Ark - What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You.
According to the bible only certain people were allowed to carry the Ark, and any one who touched the Ark died instantly... yet 2 of the German soldiers lifted the lid off the Ark and survived (for a little while).
Weren't they carrying sticks to support it? I can't remember exactly. And for the movie's sake, it would have been easier and quicker to just have the soldiers carry it. The guy that actually touched it was the priest, right? (can't really remember). And if it was God's will, maybe he thought it would be better if they were all smitten by the Ark. ;-)
Well, if you know the Bible, then you would know that the Lord doesn't rest in the ark of the covenant anymore, because Jesus died for our sins, so there was no need for the tabernacle anymore, and within that, no need for the ark, and so when the cloth gaurding the ark ripped in two, when Jesus took his last breath, the Lord left his dwelling place, the tabernacle and the ark, so they could touch it ALL they wanted ;-)