When all the men are at their club, one of the men calls his wife in the room and uses her as an ATM machine, and money comes out of her mouth, so you would think she was a robot? At the end of the movie the chips in their heads are "zapped" and they become like their old selves again. So if they weren't robots, how did money come out of the one wife's mouth?
This is more a rumor than anything else, but I heard that the ending was going to have them as robots but at the last second it was changed. I don't know why.
it's not really a slip up. the movie is a sci-fi comedy. it isnt meant to be taken seriously. it was just supposed to be funny. slip ups are like mistakes. i am sure they realized that it didnt fit when writing the movie, but lift it in anyway.
I'm not sure how they were going to explain the whole robot thing, but on the DVD I just got, there's a deleted extended scene between Jo and Bobbie after Jo discovers Bobbie has gone Stepford. Bobbie has all these gadgets, like built-in Windex, a lawn mower, and a whole bunch of other stuff. There's another one during the ballroom scene, after the women change back, and one of them is holding her husband up against the wall with a huge extending arm.
Kinda puts you in mind of Inspector Gadget, which must've made Matthew Broderick feel right at home :P
Your getting it all wrong. When the women were taken by the Men's Association, they were basically taken apart. Their brain, along with some microchips, were put into robot bodies that could do all the wonderful things for the men. (The growing boobs, the ATM machine, etc...) When the chips exploded, the women got control of their brains again, but they were trapped in robot bodies. The exception was Johanna who was never put into a robot body because her husband still loved her. This was all going to be explained in the original movie version, but text audiences found the ending to cold and crude. So instead, most of the robot scenes were taken out, like the Bobbie madness scene and the wife revenge scene at the end. So as for the final version of the movie, we will just have to assume that the women lost their robotic abilities when they regained control of their brains. The only question is.... will they ever age?