In the episode titled Queeg from the second series, Rimmer is playing chess with a scutter just before a meteor hits the ship, keep your eyes on the positions of the pieces one minute they are on the white squares, the next they are on black and then back to white.
Rimmer may me a hologram, but he still has the same personality as when he was alive (Holograms in Red Dwarf are recreations of living people who had died), so it is very possible that he could have cheated. Although, he would have had to get a skutter to move the pieces, and they're not exactly fast.
Don't buy the above... the skutters are Rimmer's arch enemies, and while they'll obey a direct order, any time his back is turned they'll make obscene gestures; he in his turn refers to them as "spanners". So I doubt he'd be able to convince them one to help him cheat against another of its own kind. They're also passionate about unity among robots: remember in the first episode, Lister mentions that the only reason he and Rimmer are cleaning gunk out of chicken soup machines is that the service robots have a better union than they do. Or am I taking all this a little too far...?