After vandalising the aquariam, Jesse is forced to clean up the mess. Whilst he is cleaning one of the windows he sees the whale and then when he goes up next to the pool at the arena he falls in and he couldn't swim well and was beginning to sink when the whale picks him up with his back and when he is out of the water, he is bone dry!
This also happens when Jesse is riding Willy in his wet suit. His hair is soaked one second, then an instant later, it's dry, then wet again. Not a big deal, but somewhat neat to find.
Wet and Dry should have possibly been the title of this movie. Did anyone else also note that when Jessie comes home late in the middle of a thunderstorm his hair is the only thing visibly wet. other that that he is dry.
I just watched this part of the movie and when Jesse slips and falls into the tank it is because Randolph threw up the lights to the tank area and Jesse didn't want to get caught. He tries to run and hide, but slips on the wet cement and falls into the tank. When Willy picks him up and pushes him to the surface and onto the cement it is clear that Jesse is soaking wet. There is not a moment in this scene that Jesse is dry.