In the scene where 'the bride' kill's O'Ren, she mutilates her head.. we see the piece of her head that is cut off fall onto the snow..however, the hair is long on it..As O'Ren has her hair tied back as this happens ( or even if she had it down) would the hair not be short? and cut at the same point as where the crown of her head was?
Yes, but technically, blood doesn't spew out at 210 psi when you get cut. Bear in mind that this is a Movie and as such is a Fictional, Dramatic representation of a story. For all we know the whole movie might be the bride's memories, and who is to say that she may not have embellished it a little in her mind (hence the gallons of blood).
one thing i noticed about this scene is that when her skull is sliced you see its a clean slice, straight through. but notice her brain hasnt been sliced and its actually higher than where the slice happened. does that make sense?