After Hannah is examined by the gatlin general hospital doctor, he is sitting at the desk about to let her go and then he suddenly grasps her arm very tightly as she struggles to get her license and her keys back, he says something dumb like..."you're gonna be just fine " , that's irrelevant, but then she walks out and this newly introduced guy who is later found out to be "he who walks behind the rows"...surprises her and is like "hi i'm Gabriel i was sent to get your car and bring it back to you",,or something,,,but how the GEE GOLLY does he have her keys!?!?!?,,,,SHE's holding them!!,,,but then he somehow throws them back to her!?...if you ask me this is a major part of the movie because she ends up driving her car 85% of the movie ,when she shouldn't have even had the car in the first place