When Matthew Perry shows Montréal to Bruce Willis at the beginning of the movie, Matthew sits on the side of the cliff (cliff...) and his hands are on his sides
But When the camera changes view, his hands are on his knees... Then they come back to his sides
You call that a slip up? He was nervous! When I'm nervous, my hands are all over the place, under my legs, on my hips, in my pockes...all in the matter of a few seconds
Actually, it IS a good slip up, because when the camera shows his hands are on the rail, the camera quickly shoots back to the front of him, where his hands are on his lap. No one can moves their hands THAT quickly.
It is bad continuity by Matt Perry because the shots will have been taken seperatly and he should have either keopt his pose or remembered it uintil they were ready to shoot the next shot.
They do take breaks between takes. And I m sure Matthew Perry was concentrating more on his acting then on where the f*** his hands are. Plus all these "hands and arms in different places" slipups are stupid and boring anyways.