In the episode where Homer wakes the family early...with the smoke alarm to go to the duff beer festival, they all get into the car and are disheveled and in pajamas, yet when they get there...they are fully dressed...hmmmm.
I like the idea of the clothes already in the car. it's not like it was hard
for Homer to decide on the clothes..there always the pretty much all cartoons
@jderk: hummm... Bart and Lisa dressing up together in the car... AFAIK, in american culture, isn't it usually an immoral imagination that a boy and a girl take off their clothes in front of each other...? ;-)
Yap I know they're still kids and, besides that, they're brother and sister...
But we all know how "puritanic" some Americans are...
P. S: Please don't take that last one personal... ;-)
It's not like they would have got totally naked in the car. Besides the way they are raised by HOMER, they have to do what their dad says. And he isn't going to win father of the year. EVER. i.e. he was going to let Bart drink beer, he let Maggie walk around with a power drill, and he let Lisa drive his car. I don't think he'll keep them froming dressing in the car together. And what the heck is AFAIK? We're not all in tune with YOUR lingo.
@jderk: "AFAIK" is a commonly used shortcut for "As Far As I Know". There are dozens of these in Internet language: i. e. "ROTFL" (Rolling On The Floor Laughing), "RTFM" (Read the F*ing Manual), "FYI" (For Your Information) etc. ;-)