1. At Wyde's house they sing the foul song. When they get to touching the thermostat, look where it is placed. In the middle of the 2nd and 3rd side panel thing of the stairs. Later on in that scene it moves to like the middle side panel. (It might just be the angle of the camera.)
2.At Wyde's house when they're singing the foul song. Somewhere in the song it shows the HOME SWEET HOME paper in the middle of the stairs. Later on in the scene it move WAY left of the stairs!
3.At the ice rink when they are just finshied talking, look at the clouds. They change shape, size,and placement every like 2 seconds!
4.At the ice rink when Davey takes off Elenor's wig, she fell back and her glasses flew back. 3 seconds later you see her on the ground with her glasses on. Did they fall on her when they flew off?
Comment me on the 2 questions.