As soon as the car breaks through the glass window, the car is flying through the air upside down. In the next shot of the car, the car is laying on it's side on the floor as if it came to a stop. In the next shot you see the tires of the car fly over Peter Parker and Marry Jane, as if the car has magically got off the ground by itself and flew through the air right side up. After the car has completely passed Peter and Mary, you then see the car fly through the air again upside. Here is a clear shot of the walls and the floor, and Peter Parker and Mary Jane have disappeared from the floor! But in the next shot, Peter and Mary magically reappear, getting off the floor! If that's not enough, when Peter and Mary get off the floor, no one is behind them, but in the next scene there is 3 or 4 people there! This scene is really put together badly.