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Matrix Revolutions, The - Disappearing and Reappearing Cut
Approx. 52 minutes into the movie when Neo and Trinity are on the Logos, Trinity has gone down to check on the fuses and is attacked by Banes. When Neo comes down to help and Banes has Trinity with the scalpel held against her neck, you first see her neck has been cut. The camera then switches to Neo. When the camera goes back to Trinity and Banes, the cut is gone. The camera then goes back to Neo and then back again to Trinity and the cut is back. With each switch of the camera, the cut disappears and reappears.
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Rated 8.3/10 (15 ratings) Your opinion?
Special Requirements: any copy of the movie
Contributed By: rapture309 on 06-10-2004 and Reviewed By: MrHappyHamster
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Pie is good writes:
FYI it's Bane not Banes.
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ReVeLaTeD writes:
I don't think it's a cut. I think it's some of Bane's blood. Remember, blood was all over his hands and face.
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