Princess Bride - Buttercup Resembles a Man?
Wow, I didn't notice this one until i bought this movie on DVD. When Buttercup was mad at her boyfriend (i forgot his name now) and she pushed him down the hill and he said "as you wish" then she makes herself fall down the hill after him as well. They fall for about two minutes but I noticed that Buttercup's hair was shorter and brighter and so was her boyfriends, also she looked a little bulky. Well if you have a DVD player, pause the movie when you come to them falling and zoom into their faces. It's really a man! It's the SAME man for both characters! This is very funny because if you watch him he is getting hurt and his face is turning red. I cannot believe they used the same stunt man for both of them and they used a MAN for her.
Rated 2.0/10
(8 ratings)
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Special Requirements:
DVD player, remote control with zoom and pause, your eyes...