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Grease - The Falling Dress
When Marty is standing by the camera at the dance talking to Vince, if you look closely, you can see her dress slip down!
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Rated 4.8/10 (74 ratings) Your opinion?
Special Requirements: good-eyes and a copy of the movie
Contributed By: on 01-30-2000 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Mrs Mistofolees writes:
Umm... No. It falls ALL the way down and then cuts. She doesn't pull it back up. It's a slip up.
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sblac2 writes:
Doesn't she then pull it back up?
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monkeymouse writes:
First of all the dress is worn that way, it slips down occasionally. Second of all she does pull it back up, and third of all, who cares if it slips a little?
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~*Blondie*~ writes:
The producers may have made her dress that way to make her seem more flirtatious. As I recall, wasn't Marty the one coming on to the news reporter guy?
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Joe writes:
I noticed this so-called slipup many years ago and after watching a few times I am convinced that it is her hand coming up that makes it look like her dress has fallen down as the wather can see skin. Well in my opinion that skin is just her hand and nothing at all went wrong. Before the dress is supposed to fall down her hand is already lifting up.
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