Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Harry's Shaky Memory
In the chapter called The Dementor, (in my book it's on page 79) when Malfoy comes in it gives brief explanation of who he is. It says "Draco Malfoy and Harry had been enemies ever since they had met on their very first train journey to Hogwarts." But they didn't meet on the train, they met in Madam Malkin's robe shop! Maybe in Britain to meet someone is to know their name, but I think this is a slip up.
They first saw each other in the shop, but they first spoke and established that they were going to be enemies on the train. I don't consider this a Slip-up
This is not a slip-up... Earlier in the book, when they were both in Madam Malkin's robe shop, it said that Harry liked this boy less and less... They truly first met on the train ride to Hogwarts, therefore the above statement from the book is true! Thank you for your time.
It's not a slip-up. They first met in Madam Malkin's, yes, but didn't become enemies until they met on the train. Harry didn't do anything to earn Malfoy's hatred the first time they met.
I realized this too, but then I remembered that they do meet at the robe shop, but they are not enemies until the train ride. It is true that at the robe shop, Harry dislikes him, but it is on the train ride when Malfoy insults Ron, and Harry voices his strong dislike.
It is true that Harry and Malfoy met in the robe shop, but that was before they hated each other. Harry didn't even know Malfoy's name. Harry only began disliking Malfoy on the train ride. So I guess you could say they technically became enemies ever since they met on the Hogwart's Express. I agree, I believe this is not a slip up :)
Everyone is saying that the quote is correct, but it's not. The point is not that Harry and Malfoy dislike each other, it's that they met before the train ride. One person said that they didn't really meet in the sense of having an idea of the other's personality until the train ride and so, yes, that could be what is meant, but otherwise, this quote is in fact, incorrect.
In Britian and the British Empire (I'm not sure about elsewhere), the word 'met' really means that they introduced each other, exchanged names, got to know each other at least a little bit. You may say a few words to someone at the counter in the supermarket, but you haven't really met them.
As is true with many words in the English language, "met" has more than one meaning. I have known my brother for many years, but I "met" him for lunch the other day. It doesn't mean that it was the first time we met, only that we had a meeting.
You've only met someone if you know their name? I never heard that and I live in England...even if people did say that in the past I doubt anyone would today. By the way, didn't Malfoy tell Harry his name in the shop? I'm pretty sure he introduced himself - I have to re-read it now! :D
How is this supposed to be a slip-up? Harry and Draco first met in the robe shop, and on that occasion merely didn't get along; then they met (again) on the train, and that's when they became enemies. No mistake to see here, move along...