Girl With Gold Boots, The - Teleportation Is Real!
This one is hard to miss...
-There is a part in the movie where Critter (Yes, that's his name) and whatserface are talking at a Diner table. Suddenly, the ugly guy materializes out of nowhere!
You have to see this to understand it.
I had to send this one in. You'd think the editors would notice that one of the main characters suddenly pops into the shot.
Whoo, this is hard to miss if you watch Mystery Science Theater 3000, too. After he teleports, they say, "Hey, come on! I just teleported here! It's impressive!"
What do you expect! If this movie was on MST3K that means right there that it wasn't exactly Oscar material. If that's the biggest slip-up in a MST3K'd movie we should consider ourselves lucky. What about the boom mike in Mitchell?