On one episode of Frasier, there are two big mistakes. This is the episode where Frasier and his dad are fighting. First, near the beginning of the episode, the dad tells Daphne he wants wine for himself, Frasier and Niles. Then, when Daphne brings in the drinks, she only brings in two drinks. But anyways after that, when Daphne is still in the room right after she served the drinks, she is talking and the dad, Daphne, Niles and Frasier all have wine. That is really big. The next part of this episode is not that bad, but it is a bad one. When Daphne and the dad are walking Eddie, Frasier gets really mad and he decides to throw the dad's favorite chair down in the street. When he picks it up, it is the normal color, but when he throws it down, it is blue. Those are the two big mistakes in this episode.