At the introduction of this book the author explains that they won't use the real name of the girl this is about to protect her privacy. Yet on page 322, 323, and 325 they use the name "Cara" rather than Sybil. And this is not the name of one of her many different personalities. The author messed up 3 times!
I just finished reading this book (which I loved) and you must have a different copy. Maybe an earlier addition because that is not in my book. Maybe Cara is actually someone involved in the story. Flora maybe who is not only a character but the author.
I have a copy of Sybil copyrighted in 1973. I checked out all of those pages but I couldn't find your slip-up. Either you're mistaken, or you have a different version.
Sorry, but I've read "Sybil" a dozen times or more.:-) Sybil's boyfriend, Ramon, is from Bogota, Colombia, and he is the only one who uses the word "cara" when referring to Sybil. "Cara" is the Spanish word for "dear" -- it's a term of endearment, *not* the name of an additional personality. No "Slip-Up" here.