In this episode there are a TON of slip-ups!!
1. The name of the video game is "Master Computer", but when Dexter tosses the cartridge aside and it hits Dee Dee in the head, the label suddenly changes to "Master Control". (this happens a couple other times throughout the episode)
2. At the end of the episode, Dee Dee switches the Master Computer game for the Primal Fighter game. When she says "You said you wouldn't get mad if I beat you at video games!" or something to that effect, you can clearly see that the cartridge in front of her is green and says "Primal Fighter" on the label. But when she says "Well, prepare to be beaten!" it changes back into the red "Master Computer" cartridge!
3. Last one, this one's really minor, but did anyone notice that "primal" is spelled wrong on the Primal Fighter game? It's spelled "Primail".