In the episode where Louis has to babysit Twitty's little brother, pay attention to the part where Louis and Tawny are chasing Milton (Twitty's brother) around the table. Notice that Milton knocks down a zip-lock bag full of Doritos. When it hits the ground, it makes a sound like glass or ceramic tile is shattering.
I've seen this EP many times, and if you watch closely, you see the kid not only knocks off the chips or whatever, but in the frame before or after it, a bowl falls off too. You have to watch closely, and the editors put the glass breaking a little after it would in real life, so you think its the chips. Get it?
Although it may not be correct, I think I have an explanation. To dramatize the effect of the mess, and to create the effect of a "tornado" going through the house, this was neccesary. You will also notice that in the next frame, there is a plate or bowl dropped.