In the scene where Robert De Niro takes Jodie Foster out for breakfast, the latter is wearing some large, green sunglasses with dark lenses. A few minutes into the scene, she takes them off and sets them down. Later, as the scene wraps up, she puts her sunglasses back on, but they are different this time; now they have blue lenses.
I have a copy of the original screenplay. This "slip up" is really just part of Jodie's character. I will quote directly from the screenplay written by Paul Schrader:
"(Iris removes her large blue-tinted sunglasses and fishes through her bag for another pair.)
Iris: I got so many sunglasses. I couldn't live without my shades, man. I must have twelve pair of shades.
(She finds a pink-tinted pair and puts them on.)"
Therefore the slip up must have been in the editing when they removed the line and the part where you see her actually change glasses. Comes out looking pretty strange in the end.
If there was a slipup, it would be the fact that the shot before Iris and Travis enter the diner she's wearing yellow sunglasses, but after she enters she already has the green ones on with no time lapse.