Were the editors drinking while working on this flick? The following slip-ups are only a few of the major flaws that will be discovered when the DVD comes out...
1. When the "space ape"(Cemos), lands by the ruins of the Oberon(Calima), notice that his bubble window is completely covered in dust and dirt to the max.
However, when our hero takes off into space again, why look! the window is crystal clear!!???
Just can't happen regardless of speed...which leads us to ...
2. As our hero "warps" back into our solar system near Saturn, notice how little time elapses for the millions of miles he travels to reach earth. I consider this a major slipup because even my 8-10 year old neices and nephews were asking why he didn't have a beard or why he didn't have to go to the bathroom...(are they teaching celestial mechanics in grade school now?) As most folks know, the shuttlecraft that was flown had a chemical engine and develops far too little thrust/velocity to bring him back to earth in just a few minutes...hey, any 8 year old will tell you that! I guess the makers wanted us to swallow this sloppy ending.
3. Notice in the beginning of the movie that our hero, and the chimp donned space helmets with clear visors...yet when the chimp landed at the end of the movie and the dirty bubble-canopy raised, wow! look ma!...a dirty, gold-shielded visor! Even the neice caught this one and questioned me!
4. I saw the movie twice, but just wait until the DVD comes out! Videophiles will have a field day!
I thought I saw another slip up that someone else might catch and report on...in the end battle scene where the apes are charging towards the ruins of the Oberon, you will see some apes "outrunning" horses. I believe I saw something pulling those apes along and I think I saw an ape 'tumble off' into the dust by accident!
I know someone will report this later...or my name isn't "Ape Lincoln"! :(@)