While Brodie (Jason Lee) is playing SEGA in his room just after waking up in one of the first scenes of the movie, he states "Look at the score for Christs sake, its the MIDDLE of the second and I'm winning twelve to two....". Now, there would be nothing wrong with him saying it if it were true that it was the middle of the second. That however, could not be true. My reason for saying so is that they show the screen he's playing the game on while hes saying those lines and there is only 19 seconds left in the period. Anyone with some sort of knowledge on sports and even sporst video games should know that 19 seconds left in a period of hockey, even video game hockey, is well off of the middle. Especially when you take into consideration that almost all of the SEGA hockey games had a minimum period length of five minutes.
Also to add on to this, there is a time lapse of about 30 seconds or so between shots of the video game screen that Brodie continues play of. In this time it is apparent in the second shot of that screen that ony 7 seconds have passed in the game as there is now 12 seconds left in the period. I don't see these to be the biggest mistakes possible by Kevin Smith, but they are definitely in some way an inconsistency between script and screen.