Simpsons - Homer Really Is a Dope
In the episode when Homer sees the alien check out the part where the guy is selling the t-shirts. He tells Homer that the "Homer is a Dope" t-shirts are sold out, but then Homer sees Marge and Maggie wearing the t-shirt and Marge tells him about how great the shirts are. Homer turns to the vendor and asks for two t-shirts when the guy just told him that they were sold out.
If this is a joke (because Homer is supposed to be dumb), then it's not a very obvious one and it's not all that funny, either.
Rated 2.8/10
(76 ratings)
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Special Requirements:
Eyes, ears, a memory of more than 5 seconds, a tv, and a sense of logic
Contributed By:
Walt Flanigan on 07-29-2001 and
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