At the beginning of the movie, it appears to be the start of the school year, with Aaron going off to college and Torrence getting cheer captain. Carver gets hurt that day at practice and will need 3 months to recover. Torrence says that Carver will be in Special Olympics until March. Also, it is football season for the Toros. However, when Missy takes Torrence to see the stolen cheers, the Clovers are cheering at a basketball game. Also, they mention that regionals are in a few weeks, and Nationals being in February, and after regionals, Torrence mentions they only have a few weeks to come up with a new routine. So what time of year is it? Because if I am not mistaken, school starting and football season happen in the fall, and b-ball and the rest of the events in the movie appear to happen in January-February. Just an observation!