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Red Dwarf - Rimmer Is Hard
In the episode "Confidence & Paranoia" when Lister & Rimmer are in the sleeping quarters talking about love, Rimmer gets into bed and knocks the blanket hanging from Lister's bunk. As Rimmer is a soft-light hologram at this point, he shouldn't be able to touch or move anything.
Also all through this episode when Rimmer salutes, he does a Half-Rimmer with 3 hand twirls. This is only for emergencies and as Rimmer invented the salute he would always use the Full Rimmer (5 hand twirls) unless there was an emergency.
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Special Requirements: T.V. / Video - Confidence & Paranoia Ep.
Contributed By: J.P. on 07-27-2001 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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tha kil writes:
The full Rimmer was only explained in Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers, and is not mentioned once in the series. However, I agree that he shouldn't be able to move things- there are hordes of mistakes like that with Rimmer.
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Smegface writes:
Of course, they might be hologrammatic sheets. After all, Holly does manage to pop up a triple fried egg sarney with chilli sauce and chutney easily enough. Still doesn't explain how Lister moved them when he was celebrating having the big bunk in Me^2 when Rimmer moved out. And in Marooned, Rimmer's using the distress call (Ascension Sunday) while pressing a panel to send it. Again, it could be hologrammatic.
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MIdAS writes:
Holly projects illusions onto solid objects to give Rimmer the impression he is tangible.
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Rissa writes:
Definitely a slip-up, Chris is usually very careful but he can't always keep up the soft-light thing. Note to MIdAS - if Holly could do that, Rimmer would have him do it all the time. Remember how much of a fuss Rimmer made at the start about not being able to touch things, and how delighted he was when he was brought back in "Timeslides"? MIdAS' excuse makes no sense.
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MIdAS writes:
Rimmer may not be able to "touch" but he can interact as I described, IE he can walk through chairs, and there is no illusion that would cover it up, however, knocking a sheet corner would be small enough to create the illusion of tangiability.
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