If anyone has seen the Annadin Extra commercial in the UK. You'll notice that at the beginning it gives some figures to try and get across that Annadin is fast based on some other facts. Unfortuately, the facts given are completely and utterly false! Trains do not run at 300mph, in fact
125mph would be closer. And email does not travel at 3000 miles per second. In fact, it's much faster than that. In fact it's pretty difficult to measure the actual speed a signal is sent down a line. But the 3000 miles per second is obviously just a figure the made up. You can test it yourself
by pinging www.easysurf.co.nz I get a response in less than 1 second, and that's a signal going to New Zealand AND back again, which is further than 3000 miles away. So completely false information there! Well done!