Listen to the two Parents talk and note what they say about the poor child, "He is so Severely traumatised.... he needs more help than we can give him." Then, after the stint from school, they say the EXACT same thing again. Obviously the writers or actors got the scripts mixed up or something.
Yes, I have seen this movie multiple times. Like..over 30 times. It's one of the best movies (yes, I'm weird) and I had no idea what you were talking about at first, and so I didn't even bother to put a comment here. Well, a few night later I was watching TV and I got to see this on television. When you saw Child's Play 2, I have come to the conclusion that you saw it on television. You had the pleasure of seeing the full version. Unedited, so to say. Yes, this does happen but maybe that's why it's not on the tape along with all the other 5,000 parts they took out? So, yes, I guess this would be a slip-up, but they had enough common sense to note this when the edited the tape for public home viewing.