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Breakfast Club - 1000 Words, 1 Sheet of Notebook Paper
Kind of a picky thing, but...
After the five kids have entered the Library and are choosing seats, Mr. Vernon gives each a single sheet of notebook paper and one standard wooden pencil. He instructs them NOT to move from these seats, and informs them that they are to write an essay of "no less than a thousand words". First, unless they are using a really small font on a computer, can 1000 words (other than I and a) fit on a single sheet. Also, a standard pencil would be ground down before the goal was reached, and they are not to move, this includes to sharpen their pencils.
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Special Requirements: your eyes, a copy of the movie
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-16-2001 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Samantha writes:
Maybe Vernon was just trying to show them how strict he was and to respect his authority, it's also not that hard to write 1000 words, it wont do anything to your pencil but wear down the lead.
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Bluebrit writes:
Oh, come on. You're kidding right? Not to move? They didn't stop moving for 99% of the time they were in the library. I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to sharpen his pencil if needed and also, I've written 1000 words on one sheet of paper many times. So have both of my teenage daughters who often have to do short reports of 500 words. They always use one side of the paper.
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leelie writes:
They didn't write 1000 words. At the end of the movie, the voice-over reads what is on the paper. It is not 1000 words and what they read could fit on a single sheet of paper and be written without sharpening a pencil.
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Mindbender writes:
1000 word essay is the standard term for a roughly one page essay. It was a pretty common way of describing length when I was in school.
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mcwood83 writes:
Actually it was decided that Brian was going write the essay for everybody, and he wrote down what was read at the end of the movie to pretty much say kiss off.
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kg writes:
a 1,000 word paper is a little less that two TYPED(use your word count next time you type a paper, 1,000 is obviously more than you think) there is no way that they could have WRITTEN a paper on a single sheet of paper. Although the paper they ended up writing did fit on a single sheet, it was no where near 1,000 words, so they did not follow the directions set forth by the teacher. If you're counting this is only about 80 words
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dick-suckedoff writes:
Teacher like Vernon are always exaggerating things of that matter. I don't think he meant it literally, like what Samantha wrote that he was just being mean and trying to demonstrate his authority.
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amoney2744 writes:
vernon is also not the brightest crayon in the box... he probably pulled "1000 words" out of thin air just to seem important... he didnt care what they did as long as they were busy, its called busywork... teachers, especially those who dont want to teach use it to keep their kids busy...
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Deana writes:
I don't even understand why all the people posting are arguing with each other...this was the most meaningless post for a slip up I have seen. Who cares how many words he told them to write.
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glrred writes:
They were told not to move they did. So it's not beyond believe that they were told to write 1,000 words and they didn't. In fact, only one wrote anything at all
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