1-When Dumbledore is explaining the tournament, he says that the champions will be given points after each task, and the champion who has the most points at the end will win the tournament.
2-Before the last task, Ludo Bagman clearly says that the first person to touch the cup wins the tournament!!
3-So, how do you really win? I noticed this the first time I read the book.
Dumble would have told the champions that the aim was to get the most points, because they weren't supposed to know about the maze task until a month before it. If he had told them the real way to win, then they would have known what the final task was. Anyway, the more points the champs had, the more of a headstart they got. This isn't a slip up at all.
I do think that this is a slipup. Having a head start doesn't mean your going to win. Maybe the first person gets an automatic 50 points, and in this case 50 points would have put anybody in first place.
First of all, Bagman doesn't say anything about the first one to touch the cup wins right before the task. He does, however, say on page 551 when he is explaining the third task to the champions, that "the first champion to touch it [the cup] will receive full marks." Since at the beginning of the task, Cedric and Harry are tied with 85 points each and Krum and Fleur are behind them, whoever reaches the cup first gets full marks, and therefore has the most number of points.
In my book, when Mr. Bagman is explaining the third task, he says that the first champion to touch the Triwizard Cup will "receive full marks." That's not winning.
This is NOT a mistake. The reason for the points was to decided who went into the maze first so the person with the most points gets a head start and is therefore likely to get to the cup quickest
If Professor Dumbledore told the champions about the final task, and how to win the TriWizard Tournament, then why would any of the champions risk there lives by facing dragons and surviving under water for and hour when it is irrelevant how many points you get. It would be a total waste.
I think that they should have sent the people with the least amount of points in first. That way the monsters could fill up on them and the path would be clear for the others. Hee hee hee!
It actually says that whoever reached it first would receive full marks, not that they'd win. And while anyone could win here, say Fleur had 20 points and reached it first. She would not win even then. So, really, the other tasks were there for a reason. There was always a chance someone wouldn't get many points but would still reach the cup first.