Digimon - A Champion Can Warp Digivolve to a Mega?
In the digimon movie, when Seraphimon and Magnadramon are seen (they warp-digivolve to get the golden digieggs), Angemon warp-digivolves to Seraphimon. Angemon is a champion, but only rookies can warp-digivolve!!!
What are you talking about? Warp Evolving is evolving over more than one stage at once. It can be Baby to Rookie (Arca Demon), Champion to Mega (Angemon, Leomon), Rookie to Mega (Agumon, Gabumon), or any other combination.
COME ON! In case you haven't noticed, Paildramon is a Ultimate, and goes to Mega, that's another stage that can digi-volve to Mega. Just because a Agumon and Gabumon were rookies when they Digi-volved to their Megas, doesn't mean it's impossible in any other situation. Even Leomon was able to go from Champion to Mega. I'm not talking about the cards. The cards are almost useless to the show. The attacks, types, and levels are often changed to fit the show.
Hey, Venom, just to let you know, mega digivolving and warp digivolving aren't the same thing. Hey, maybe MetalGreymon can mega digivolve, to. After all, we only see them warp.
Also, I just noticed this. They digivolved to mega, so why didn't they fight?
They probably would have stood a better chance of winning than the two ultimate level armor digimon. And yes, I know on the D-3 game they are mega level, but on the show they are just ultimates. Don't believe me? Watch the season three episode where Gargomon digivolves to Ultimate.