When Todd Parker (stripper from the Partyboy StripClub) is introduced to the party, it is not his first appearance in the movie. Watch the party just prior to his arrival. You will see him in the BACKGROUND in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT OUTFIT already at the party. His shirt has large squares of white and blue. He is seen making moves around the women in the background. You can't miss his cheesy moves. Then, later, he SHOWS UP at the party.
THIS IS ANOTHER BIG ONE.... Notice the sound of the screeching tires coming to a stop, then INSTANTLY he flies through the gate into the yard. As if he were sitting on the hood of his car when someone hit the brakes and he was tossed through the gate. NO way could he screech to a halt, get out of his car, and go through the gate so quickly. Watch the movie, and you will see these 2 Slip-ups within a few minutes of each other. Pretty funny.