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Nine Months - Wrecked? Or Fixed?
When Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore get out of Grants car...which has clearly been banged up from when Grant crashed it after hearing his girlfriend was pregnant...they leave and go to into the hospital for the first time. When they leave and get back into the car there is nothing wrong with it what so ever! It's brand new!
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Special Requirements: Movie and eyes
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-13-2001 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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IWorkAtHooters writes:
Well if you would have listened to Samuel (Hugh Grant) when he was talking to his girlfriend (Rebecca) about how he said having the baby wouldn't change things, but it does because she said to sell his Porsche and get rid of his cat (Skippy). He says I can't sell the car because I just had it fixed, so he must have gotten it fixed the day before or something. It didn't just magically fix itself when they went in the hospital.
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