If you watch this movie, you'll notice that in the first scene, Red, Andy, Warden Norton, and Captain Hadley all look between 30-50 years old. This movie supposedly takes place over the course of 19 years. However, as the movie progresses, everyone still looks the same age. Towards the end, Red starts to go grey, but he's the only one who ages!
Actually, Andy seems to look older at the end (in my opinion), but that may just be Tim Robbins' formidable acting ability. As for the captain and the warden, evil keeps like pretzels in tupperware. Seen the devil lately? He looks 20.
Andy does indeed age, if only subtly, through the film. When he starts, he's got that Gary Cooper silly-fall-in-front-of-face hair. By the end, it's all kind of slicked back, and has a slight gray tinge to it. But that's about it.
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The wardens change during the movie. Thats why he never looks like he is aging.
I want to start out by saying that "The Shawshank Redemption" is my all time favorite movie. I also want to say that I have done a lot of acting, directing, and writing. To start, about Norton and Hadley, you never want your villans to age very much because with ages comes an image of weakness. For the protagonist, Red, his age was shown more to present his emotional state after being in prison for as long as he was. And with Andy, he was a very young handsome man when he entered the prison, not the type of guy you would picture growing very grey in 19 years. As for the rest of the prisoners, in my opinion, noticeably aging them would have taken away from the emotional states of Andy and Red.
They distinctly show that Morgan Freeman (Red) has greying hair, and also that Tim Robbins (Andy) also is getting grey and also thinning if I remember. Also if you would remember correctly they also show that Andy is needing to have reading glasses and makes a point of even exagerating it sometimes, I believe Red also needs them. So in my opinion that is definately signs of aging. Then again I could be wrong.