To set everybody straight. Peter turns into a monkey. But the clue actually reads... "A law of Jumanji HAVING been broken, you will slip back even more than you're token". Peter is devolving.
After Peter cheated, the board read "A law of the jungle has been broken -- it will set back more than your token." I took this to mean that he was being de-evolved into some kind of ape-like creature.
Actually if you listen carefully Judy reads: "A law of jumanji hadn't been broken. You will slip back even more than your token". And he turns into a monkey. He he he. Me.
actually, Peter does turn into a monkey. "a law of Jumanji hasn't been broken, you will set back even more than your token". I took that as the game knew he cheated, but will only punish him. So since he was the one that rolled the dice that released the monkeys, he was set back by turning him into a monkey.
Um, I'm guessing you're kidding around, but if you're not, have you even watched the movie in the last year? He turns into a monkey. There were never any tacos in the movie at all (and in fact, the only part when anybody actually ate anything was during a couple of dinner scenes and a part where Alan eats an apple, which had nearly zero to do with the story) and he never even resembled a rat or a dog-like animal. Also, listen to him after he's been turned into a monkey, because he whimpers like one. In fact, search for pictures on the Internet. He turns into a monkey!
By the way, monkeys have tails, apes do not.
Look at the kid! He's a monkey for christ's sake! He's not a rat or a dog or anything else that doesn't resemble a monkey. If you actually pay attention, then you'll notice that he looks like an extra from the old Planet of the Apes movie.