When the consortium have their meeting in London it is '6.47 pm' and still full daylight which means that it is summer in London. Summer in London means winter in Antarctica. Mulder goes to Antartica where the temperatures would have been between -40 and -67 degrees Centigrade (not even counting the windchill factor). After rescuing Scully, there is no steam from their breath, no frosty eyebrows, no frozen noses or lips. Neither are wearing gloves, so they would certainly have lost fingers, and Scully her toes from frostbite even though she was barefoot (actually socks). Also, in the Antarctic winter, there is only twilight! - no daylight as seen in the movie. Even if it were summer in Antarctica, with bright sunny days (as in the movie) the temperatures would still be from -10 to -30 Centigrade (not counting the windchill factor). . That's still cold!