At Boot Camp (supposedly Ellis Island) they are jogging down the road singing gung-ho songs. The traffic signs and lane markings show that driving is on the left (it was shot in England).
In Vietnam the temperature must have been in the 80's but no-one sweats and their breath can be seen when they breath out (as in cold weather).
first off....its not ellis island.....its paris island. And it does get that cold in vietnam. Just like it gets that cold in the middle of the sahara desert.
Research what you say. The name of the place where they did the training was done at Parris Island, SC. at the old 1st Battalion barracks. I should know because I am in the military and I was there!
Kubrick preferred shooting in England. It gets REALLY unconvincing when the guys are supposedly fighting in a destroyed urban environment near the end. It's clearly some manky old English industrial estate, and clearly nothing like an Oriental cityscape. It really killed the film for me, because the Parris Island stuff was great.
After Spartacus Kubrick never made another movie in the US, because of the Hollywood beuracracy (sp?). The scenes throughout were all filmed in England, Kubrick even had palm trees flown in for the scenes involving the Vietnamese sniper in Huay.