The opening scene, Sandra Bullock is reading a book called "Essentials of Russian Grammar". We are shown that she has a mini video screen on page 47 of the book. We are also shown that the camera's lens is on the book's spline under the word essential. It looks like a fat button. There are at least five more shots of the book's spline and no camera lens.
It was probably a very small lens (i.e. if you have ever watched even stevens in the Disney channel, there is an episode where Louis has a whole spy thing set up to try and figure out who stole his video tape. The boy says right here is a camera lens NO BIGGER THAN MY TOENAIL or something like that.) Therefore, the lens could have been small.
If you also notice when it shows the lens close up, the lens is the "o" in "of". Also, the words are very big which means it is a close up, so from farther away, the lens would be smaller.