When Doc and Ringo had the show down near the end of the movie under the oak tree in the country, Ringo drawn his gun first but he never shot it, why? I thing it was bad editing or bad camera angle.
The reason Ringo draws first, yet is killed by Doc Holliday is because Holliday is _faster_. That was the whole point of gunfighting in the first place. The faster man wins...Go watch some John Wayne movies if this still confuses you.
Actually, fastest wasn't always the winner. Wyatt Earp himself stated that he faced off against men much faster than him, but the reason he won was because shooting straight was more important that shooting fast. But, just because Ringo went for his gun first, or even got it out of the holster first, doesn't make it unbelievable that Doc got the first shot off . . . Ringo may have delayed a split second trying to get that "accurate shot", and Doc aimed faster.