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Red Dwarf - Lister's Little Legion Lapse
In Legion, just after Starbug has been hit by Legions homing beam, Lister asks the Cat about the controls and the final line in this exchange is "AW, the entire consoles deader than A-line flares with pockets in the knees" said by the Cat.
Watch Listers lips closely and you'll see him mouthing the exact same line. (I assume this is just an automatic reaction as Craig Charles is going through the script in his head. Whadd'ya think?)
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Special Requirements: A copy of "Legion"
Contributed By: daemon on 05-04-2001 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Katy writes:
He does this all the time, like in Confidence and paranoia (I don't know, is it someplace near Uruguay?) and Backwards (You're singing soprano in the school choir!)
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Chris Keavy writes:
It might be that Craig is trying to help Danny out. The Smeg Ups and Smeg Outs tapes show several scenes where Danny not only forgets his lines, but actually manages to do less and less of a big speech with each take. The same thing can be seen in Star Wars: he Empire Strikes Back. Harrison Ford mouths dialogue for Carrie Fisher in some spots because she was using drugs at the time and couldn't remember her lines.
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RIMmer writes:
Yeah, the cat does have a tradition of forgetting his lines..having the camera panned on him, looking at the camera and smiling, realising he forgot to say his lines. Even in the rehearsal for the movie he did it at least twice...
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Caz writes:
I heard that Craig Charles has no "inner monologue" i.e ha can't think something in his head alone and mimes it subconciously however I don't know if this is true.
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cbak writes:
Craig Charles also did this in the episode Rimmerworld (series 6), when Danny John-Jules says the line "All in all a 100% successful trip."
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