In the beginning of the movie Danielle's father gives her the book "Utopia". "Utopia was written by Thomas More in 1516. Remember that Danielle is just a child here. Well later in the movie, when she is older, she meets Leonardo da Vinci, who died in 1519. There is know way she could have received the book as a child and met da Vinci as an adult.
I questioned if such a big mistake could be real, so I went looking for dates on the web. Here's the site where I found that Sir Thomas Moore published Utopia in 1515 ( and here's one that is a short biography of DaVinci ( stating that he died in 1519. Good catch! I'm very impressed.
You have to keep in mind that what you just said is not very common knowledge. No one will really think about that. (except for people who know this stuff, like you do)
VERY good catches. But I don't think the general public would have caught such small errors. And I can forgive the film-makers for the slip-up because both the book and Leonardo were important to the story; Utopia is quoted very appropriately for the story-line and Leonardo played an integral character whose remaining background info was fairly accurate. Great job though!
Great catch but...your talking about historical accuracy and this movie is a FAIRY TAIL. The movie it self is made up fiction so something like this doesn't really matter. The missing wounds on the other hand is an editing slip up.