When the lake is turned to acid, the acid is strong enough to burn through a metal boat, but doesn't burn through the dead fish laying on top of the water. Harry also rows for a couple of minutes with his hands covered by a coat that is undamaged, although the blades on the motor prop burned off in about the same time frame.
Yep, we noticed that too. The whole "acid lake" scene didn't seem very realistic. Another thing that bugged us was that Harry rowed with his right arm, but got no noticeable acid burns at all. Yet, the grandma had burns all over, and she even died from them! You may argue that is because he wrapped his arm in a shirt, but she had clothes on as well. She did submerge herself more in the acid water, but you'd think that he would have had at least SOME burns.
Well, I think the grandma being in the water explains why she died...although that doesn't explain why her pants are pretty much unburnt (and why is her neck bleeding?). If I were more scientifically inclined, I'd figure out exactly how much acid the volcano would have had to dump to make the whole lake strong enough to burn through the boat. You also have to wonder, why the prop burns through faster then the boat? Would the prop spinning make the acid eat through it faster?
I think that the grandma got burnt more was because old peoples' skin gets alot thinner and her neck probably got splashed with acid from the running motion hence the blood ? Maybe the prop melted because it was in the acid alot longer than Harrys' arm. Have absolutely no explanation whatsoever for the fish. Maybe if we had seen the underside of them they would have been a bit munted up as well. Still, they were floating around in it when the acid appeared so you would think that they would be burnt all over.
OK, so the boat starts burning through in about the same time the grandma was in the water, wouldn't she have died earlier or got burned more? About Harry, I'm pretty sure his coat wouldn't have been there anymore..