If you look carefully, I think it is in the end credits (as opposed to the beginning credits) look when Michelle is taking the bread out of the basket and putting it on the cloth their all sitting on. For a second, you can see the bottom of the bread shine from the sun. Now, either the bread is extremely stale, or could this be a mistake?
I remember seeing this a long time ago, and I'm pretty sure it was a sandwich wrapped up in saran wrap, and that reflected the sun into the camera. Because I doubt Danny tried to windex the bread.
Absolutely. The cast actually was having a picnic during that taping. I don't know about you, but if I was going on a picnic, I would wrap up my bread too.
In regards to the comment about Danny windexing the bread...I wouldn't put it past him, he is the same guy that cleans his cleaning products...what a stupid weirdo.