Fresh Prince of Bel Air, The - Wrong Hand, Hilary!
In one episode of Fresh Prince when Vivian is going into labor with Nikki, she squeezes Hilary's left hand when she has a contraction. Hilary then turns around complaining of a sore hand, cradling her right hand!
I think that this shouldn't be recorded as a slipup, because Hillary is not only dim-witted sometimes or all the time, but when people hurt, they sometimes grab and hold their hands differently than you would think. I mean, if you hurt your right hand, you may grab your hands with your right hand on top or bottom, and may grab the other hand that isn't hurt to make the hurt one hurt less.
My guess is that the producers had Hillary hold the wrong hand on purpose. She is a huge dimwit and would probably forget which hand actually hurts. That or she is faking that her hand hurts to get some attention, and forgot which one is supposed to hurt.
OK this episode where Vivian goes into labor with Nicky, Hilary grasped the exact hand that Vivian squeezed. If you watch this episode carefully, during a scene in the kitchen where Geoffrey the butler gets his hand squeezed, it was his left hand that was squeezed and grasped but later on you see that his right hand is in a bowl of ice.