Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Appearating Twice
In the Chapter "Barty and Crouch" at the stage when both Ludo and Barty are talking to Harry and the Weaslies, it says that Ludo appearated off. But then, in the next paragraph, it tells us that Ludo appearated. How can he appearate twice? Does he have a strange form of schizophrenia?
First of all, the title of the chapter is NOT 'Barty and Crouch.'
Barty and Crouch is generally the same person. It's actually 'Bagman and Crouch.'
And during the conversation bit with the Weasleys, Crouch apparated IN and then they both apparated OUT together. There's no slip up here.
What the heck????? The chapter is "Bagman and Crouch", not "Barty and Crouch". They are the same person, unless you are talking about Barty Crouch Jr., who is presumably dead. And it doesn't say anything about Bagman Apparating and then Apparating again.
For Your Information: schizophrenia is not a multiple personality disorder. It is a mental disorder that is almost as if you have no personality. You often can see and hear things that do not exist but you do not have more than one personality.
Schizophrenia is like having no personality? Don't think so. And apperation and disapperation are the same thing. JKR seems to use the words interchangeably.
I agree with the chapter miss up, and I want to note that people need to actually read the books! There is no such thing as Appearate, whatever that is. There is Apparating and Disapparating. Apparition is like teleporting. To Apparate is to appear somewhere and to Disapparate is to take off to somewhere else. They are not the same!
It doesn't necessarily mean having no personality but there is a catatonic schizophrenia which IS basically like having no personality. And celestialfrog is right, it is certainly not a multiple personality disorder.
Apparating is to immigrating as disapparating is to emigrating. (Dictionary is to thesaurus.... anyone confused here, I suggest you buy yourselves a thesaurus and a dictionary and try reading the book again.)
I think the reason JKR uses Apparate and Disapparate interchangebly is because in the apparating process, both events occur. The person disapparates AND THEN apparates, so since they are part of the same process you can interchange precise events.
I belive I understand the source of your confusion. The book says Bagman appeared off. This simply means that he looked as if he was preoccupied or worried. Nothing to do with disappearing, normally or magically. ;-)