After the Fat Bastard falls on the floor, Felicity walks over to the wall, and all the people come in. When the scene goes back to the people, his body is no longer there, but no one ever moved him.
Have you also noticed in that same scene that before Felicity hits the button on the wall, she's wearing a robe, but after everyone comes into the room to party, she's wearing a yellow dress? And in one of the shots, the outfit she isn't wearing is on a hook on the wall. (I'm not sure if this slip-up has been posted; i haven't gotten to all of them yet, so I apologize if I'm repeating someone else.)
If you people actually pay attention you can see that she has the yellow dress on underneath as sort of a surprise with all of the people from the sixty's.
I noticed that. Also, how did all those people manage to survive being trapped behind a wall for all those years. There cannot have been much room and surely they would of died of starvation or something.