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Red Dwarf - Backwards Text?
When They are reading the newspaper and in several other places, the Title of the newspaper is reversed, characters and all, but the headline is just reversed, the characters are still the right way round.
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Special Requirements: The episode Backwards
Contributed By: Deon on 11-26-2000 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Ian the Smegmeister writes:
The paper shouldn't even be reversed, it's TIME that's backwards, nothing else.
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Scolman writes:
Even if it was time that was reversed, there are a few mistakes. When Listart and Cat steal the bike, the guy who yelled at them should be yelling at them after they finished riding the bike. Near the end of that episode, the cab driver should have given them the money at the beginning of the journey, not the end (like what we do normally)
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doughnut writes:
And also, I noticed the sign that says NODNOL, isnt reversed. It's just spelt backwards. If it was reversed in the way the other stuff in the episode is, then the L and the curve of the D would be facing the other direction, like if you put them in front of a mirror. this could have been avoided if they'd have just written LONDON and flipped the film over.
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Nitram writes:
Also, when Kryten reads the newspaper article, he reads about people being brought back to life in a bank robbery, but the article should still tell of deaths, because as far as the occupants of this earth are concerned, everything is normal, if you get my drift!!!
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kinnington writes:
Also, when Kryten and Rimmer's boss is yelling at them, the subtitles say 'No, no, no, no, no', meaning that if the boss was speaking backwards he would say 'On, on, on, on, on.' This is reasonable enough to think, but instead the boss says 'Do, do, do, do, do.' Yes, I do realise (I'm English, so I think this is the correct English spelling) it is incredibly sad for me to have noticed this!!!
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Chris Keavy writes:
It seems that because our crew is going forward in time in a backwards world, some things that happen to them are a mix between backwards and forwards cause and effect (ro tceffe dna esuac).
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Josh writes:
I think the idea with this episode was that the universe was not just backwards in time, but people actually existed in reverse. Kind of hard to explain... read the book...
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Rissa writes:
Well, it was a *very* difficult episode to conceive and film. One of the cast comments on the DVD that the writers could often be found lying on the floor, trying to get their heads around it. Kinnington: what does the word "erskib" mean to you?
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