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Pokemon: The First Movie - One Hit K.O.
at the begining a man challenges ash,donfan(elephant)ash beats it .Then the man sends out a machamp ash beats it too then he sends out a golem,pinser and a venomoth picachu kills them in one shot, but golem is a rock pokemon and impervios to electricity... So is picachu super- chu
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Special Requirements: knolegde of pokemon
Contributed By: Anonymous on 06-29-2000 and Reviewed By: Webmaster
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Mars Guo writes:
This has been brought up before. Look through the list of slipups for the TV show. No explaination whatsoever... but I would like to point something out! Rock Pokemon ARE affected by electricity. That's why a Thunderbolt will fry Aerodactyl, Kabutops, or Omanyte. It's GROUND Pokemon that aren't affected. The Rock Pokemon don't have any kind of resistance.
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WaySarcastic writes:
Uhm, Mars, you forgot something. Kabutops and Omanyte are part Water, and Aerodactyl is part Flying. Both of which suck against Electric. Duh.
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Mars Guo writes:
I didn't forget. In GS there will be a whole plethora of new Rock types including a Rock/Fire type (Magcargo) a Rock/Bug type (Tsubotsubo) and so on. But as the Emulator and various other sources have shown, All of these are affected by electricity. Another note. There are only two three types of Pokemon that are totally unaffected by certain attacks. In the same way that Ground Pokemon are unaffected by Electricity, flying types are unhurt by ground attacks. Now consider moltres. Fire Pokemon suck against ground attacks, but it is still unaffected by attacks like Earthquake because of its flying advantage. Ground Pokemon work in the same way. No matter what it is combined with, a Ground Pokemon will NEVER be affected by electricity. Just like a Ghost type will NEVER be affected by a normal type attack. It's a set rule. If rock-types also had electrical immunity, they would be unhurt by electric attacks no matter what you combined them with. So considering the preceding information, it looks like you're the one who forgot what he was talking about. ^_^
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Mars Guo writes:
Sigh. I thought this would come up. There are three types of Pokemon that are NOT affected by certain attacks. These types are Ground, Flying, and Ghost. Ground types have immunity to electricity. (Like Thunderbolt) Flying Pokemon are immune to ground attacks. (Like Earthquake) Ghost types aren't hurt by Normal attacks. (Like Body Slam) Now it's true that flying is weak to electricity. But if Rock Pokemon had electrical immunity, it wouldn't matter what you combined them with. Consider Moltres. Flying types are immune to ground attacks NO MATTER WHAT. Fire Types are weak to ground attacks, but Moltres is unaffected by attacks like earthquake because of its flying advantage! Ground Pokemon work in the same way. It's a strict rule. And if Rock Pokemon had total immunity to Electric attacks, they would too. Also in GS there will be many new rock-types including Rock/bug Pokemon, and Rock/fire Pokemon. As the emulators and various other sources show, all of these will be affected by electrical attacks. So, Miss Sarcastic, looks like you're the one who forgot what they were talking about. ^_^
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PokéMaster 2000 writes:
Everone gets the game and Tv show muddled, so let me say this. On the game, electrical attacks are not effective against Rock types, they are effective against Grounds. THIS ALSO APPLIES TO THE SHOW! However, in the game it is impossible to harm a Rock type, in the SHOW it is possible if the Pokémon is strong enough. Think of the batle with Brock for the Boulder Badge, and against Rhydon in the battle for the Earth Badge, and in the movie against the trainer with Golem.... do you see my point???
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Mars Guo writes:
No. And you got the types mixed up. In the game Rock Pokemon don't even have resistance! >_< Ground Types are immune. Duh! Does that make ANY sense at all? Electricity puts itself out on the GROUND. A devices used to reroute electricity to the earth is called a GROUND. Jebus, what does it take to get this past you... In the cartoon, everything goes to 'ell. In the Cartoon it don't matter so long as Ash wins. But seriously, there are often reasons. The problem is all these episodes are written by different people. Some have different rules than others. Some aren't very Pokesmart at all, like Mr. Day here. And some are. There was a moderately acceptable reason that Pikachu won against Rhydon. Its horn conducted the electrcity straight to its brain. When Pikachu won against Onix, the water carried the electricity into every crevice of its body and thus it was defeated. We can accept that. But as for Marowak, Golem, and the rest, there's no reasonable explaination. The show is written by a ton of different people, and some take more realworld approaches on the effects of electricity. Some stick to the show. Some don't. These arguments will get us nowhere. (But I gotta say, I was pretty dang right this time ^_^) Also in the Episode, The School of Hard Knocks. Cubone (A GROUND type O.O) was unhurt by electricity... decent writer behind this one. Whoopdy Do.
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PJPoon writes:
In the show, ground Pokémon can be hurt by electric attacks if the attack is strong enough. That's how Pikachu beat Brock's Geodude. In the show, an attack can hurt any type of Pokémon if it is strong enough.(except for physical attacks on ghost type Pokémon) Also,in the game, Golem is a rock and ground Pokémon and ghost attacks don't affect normal Pokémon.
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Gungan Din writes:
Hate to argue, but Rock Pokemon can resist fire, ice, bug, and flying attacks nicely. They're kinda neutral to electricity (but it still can hurt them!).
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Arctic Dragon writes:
Ok all i have to say is that you guy know WAYYYYYYYY to much about pokemon
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Trivimaster writes:
I've seen the episode where Ash battles Marowak now, and there are a couple of things that bother me: 1. Bulbasaur (super effective against ground) is beaten by Marowak with one hit of the weakest ground attack (bone club) 2. Pikachu zaps Marowak with ONE single electric attack, being virtually impossible, as electric attacks have no effect at all on ground Pokemon. 3. The ninja trainer (forgot his name) and the trainer who almost gets robbed by Jesse have some really weird looking badges, from what gyms are they? 4. Chansey must die.
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Mars Guo writes:
You've got some points, Ice, but some have explanations. First off, Bulbasaur is also a Poison type Pokemon--weak to ground attacks. Secondly, Marowak's attack rating is pretty good. Third, bulbasaur's defense sucketh. And of course, the Marowak had used a good Energy Focus--a good addition to any Pokemon's attack combos. All of those badges were from gyms not mentioned in any of the games. As you've seen, Ash runs across many gyms not seen in Red, Blue, Yellow or GS. A ton of cities have Pokemon Gyms, and that means a ton of new badges besides the "original" 8 (remember the orange islands?) In the episode in which Mewtwo makes his first appearance, the Battle of the Badge, Gary is seen displaying a number of badges unknown to most PKMN fans. One of them was from GS... but that's another matter. What bothers me is, the kid you mentioned had the same voice as Tracey. DEMON! DEMON! AAAAIIEEEE!!! You're right about Marowak's One hit KO from Pikachu, but what are you gonna do. They had to make it happen so Ash would win... cheap ******ds. Hmm, personally I like chansey, if you train it correctly it's a decent Pokemon, and it's probably the one Pokemon besides Magikarp that doesn't have some sort of unexpected devastating attack which could be the end of you. But besides that, the thing is freakin' annoying. Someone boil it. >=\
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Trivimaster writes:
Thank you for wanting to boil Chansey as well Mars. And you're right about it being good if you train it well, (high lifemeter and such) even though it sucks at attacking. Softboiled is pretty handy! I Wish you could teach it to another Pokemon besides Chansey.
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Trivimaster writes:
If anyone is wondering why my name keeps changing from Ice2Trivimaster2Humpty Dumpty, it's because I signed up on all three sites. (slipups,triviastic and eeggs) And for some reason the names keep changing from site to site.
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MasterSkull writes:
OK, Everyone I am going to wrap this up. In the games electric attacks have no affect on rock type pokemon. In the show and movies rock pokemon only have a RESISTANCE.
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Mars Guo writes:
Nice job Wrapin' things up, Skull! ^_^ Rock Pokemon have nothing to do with electricity. They have no resistance to it and no weakness to it. It's GROUND Pokemon that are unaffected. Good god, do you people never research things? OK, go read my comments on the "Magic Stone" slipup in /Entertainment/TV/Pokemon/
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@ssKicker writes:
Chansey deserves a much more painful death than boiling. How about the lead pipe? And Mars, YOU made the mistake! Rock Pokémon AREN'T immune to electrical attacks, but as Gunga Din said, Moltres's Fire type is canceled out by its Flying type. Golem's Rock type is canceled out by its Ground type. YES! GOLEM IS PART GROUND! So is Rhydon, and as far as I know, rock does not conduct electricity, so Pikachu should have lost on Cinnabar. Geodude is part Ground too. You've read that godforsaken Handbook, Mars- you tell 'em the truth! P.S. How about the lead pipe for Chansey? No, wait- let it be stabbed by every Nurse Joy in the Pokémon world! Just imagine it- Chansey: Not you, Nurse Joy! Joy: What was it Brutus said again?
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Mars Guo writes:
Yes, they are, ol' gel. [FLAAFY used THUNDER WAVE!] [SUDOWOODO is paralyzed. Maybe it won't attack!] [FLAAFY used THUNDERSHOCK!] [SUDOWOODO used FLAIL!] [MARS used GREAT BALL!] [SUDOWOODO was caught! Give a nickname to Sudowoodo...] See, rock Pokemon have no immunity to electric attacks. It's ground Pokemon that have major resistance. True story, nyasu nya! ^_^
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Mars Guo writes:
Ooops, cancel that last contradiction, I misread the comment. @$$kicker, Gomen Nasai. Nya.
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tom_m525 writes:
Mars is right, Ground Types aren't affected by electricity in the game, but rock is. Ghosts are also immune to fighting as well as normal
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Pinkachu writes:
First of all, Rhydon is not rock, although he look like rock type, he is a ground, and next, both rock and ground is good against electricity, just play your game boy, also, Bulba saur is part poison, and that is weak against ground, that's why that M A R O W A K beat it, and next, P I K A C H U should have no effect against M A R O W A K but Ash's P I K A C H U is a special poke Mon, she is one of the main stars, so this should be really reasonable, remember that episode "On the path to poke Mon League" or something like that, S A N D S H E A W actually beat Butter free, and P I D G I O T T O which is nearly impossible in the game.
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Gungan Din writes:
Listen, Pinky, Rhydon IS a Rock Pokemon, and a Ground one, too. This is known as a DUAL TYPE. And as Mars showed, Rock Pokemon can be damaged by Electricity, but without "super-effective" or "not very effective". It's just plain "effective". Rock Pokemon are as well matched against Electricity as Fire and Normal: it's a close match. Use Rock Slide on a Pikachu - it'll hurt, but not "super-effective". Also, Sandshrew can beat Pidgeotto and Butterfree easily - no rule says it HAS to use Ground attacks.
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@ssKicker writes:
Now look. Here's an example: Moltres is Fire/Flying. It is immune to Ground attacks. Hold on- it's a Fire PokéMon too! Does this mean that it ISN'T immune to Ground? No, the Flying element gives it the immunity. Same with Golem and Rhydon. They are Rock/Ground, so the Ground gives the Rock part immunity too.
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matt crandall writes:
normal pokemon are immune to ghost attacks in gameboy g/s.
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Dragonite Master writes:
MOST OF YOU ARE COMPLETELY WRONG! In the game: Rock types are RESISTANT to electric attacks, but not completely impervious. Ground types ARE completely impervious to electric attacks. This applies to ALL versions of pokemon (yes, even GS). If you own the pokemon game, just look in the manual and you'll find a table which shows all weaknesses, resistances and imperviousnesses (is that a word?). In the TV series (and films) these do not apply, in fact some elements of the series are not at all related to the game, for instance: Prof. Oak gave Ash his pokeballs, and he's never had to buy any. Ash did not have to go through Silph Co or Team Rockets HQ. Ghost attacks were good against Psychics (in the game, Gastly, Haunter and Gengar are totally useless; most of their attacks are not very effective, and they're part poison so they're weak against psychic attacks). SO THERE!
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jackie chan writes:
This comment is a little late.... but anyway. In fact, mars guo, the makers of pokemon have reused several different voices, scenes, and sound effects (obviously for the latter) for instance, when the gang goes up to the xanadoo nursery to pick some thing up for Ashe's mom, the voice of the guy that's there (his name is Potter) is also tracy's voice.there are other examples, I just cant remember them all. also, in the new johto shows, they re-used a scene from the old episode where bulbasaur almost evolves. I can't remember which new episode it was in.The same scene was also used in one of the pokemon karaoke songs.
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pokedave2001 writes:
The show is different from the game. One proof is that in the game pikachu sucks but in the show pikachu rules!
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Duo God of Death writes:
I would like to bring up the fact that Rock Pokémon get shocked just as bad as any other type besides ground. For instance my level 51 Sudowoodo gets about 1/2 of her life drained whenever I face someone who zaps her with Thunder with a pesky Raichu. And Sudowoodo is Rock type ONLY. I have watched the Pokémon show a long time and I still get angry when someone points out that rock type are not affected by electricity. But Pikachu beating that Golem in one hit, I don't know how that happened, maybe Ash's Pikachu gets his power from Ash's stupidity so thats how the Pika-ster is so powerful that he doesn't even have to bother with ground types not being affected.
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Ashley Comet writes:
For one thing, Pikachu in the TV series is more highly electric powered than normal Pikachu's. Everything it's been up against on it's first try-save electric type-I've seen it faint the other Pokemon. And just for the record, when Pokemon lose a battle, they do not die. They just faint until they are healed back at a Pokemon center.
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Lina-chan writes:
Well........let's see....... About the Golem thing- I think the writers simply did that to go along with the fact that Ash's pikachu is "special." I mean, look how weird Ash's pikachu speaks. The other pikachus in the show aren't deformed, they speak correctly. His is a little messed-up sounding. Though I still like it, I can't deny it. For now I'm sticking to Slayers. Mars-I'm not trying to be rude, but you must've read the manual front and back. ;)
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Wazoo writes:
Everybody forgot one thing. Golem's still part Ground. Looks like it's a mistake.
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GARRETT writes:
rock beats eletric fire beats grass beats water beats fire phycic beats ghost beats fighting beats normal
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